Thursday, December 22, 2011

Five Fours make Twenty Baby Paws!

Give me Five

   My grown up daughter went to her child care centre armed with photos to show the children! And my 'little' children are still watching over them. I think I made a mistake earlier - I think there are only 5 puppies, sometimes the uterus is still bulky initially before it contracts down, so it feels like another pup! Bokkie has contracted down well now. Mummy is going so well, has had something to eat and mostly dozing and and clucking over he pups. They are lightening up in colour now they are properly dry, one girl looks more golden, with white... time will tell as they change again with longer fur. Each child chooses one to 'look after', so there is much discussion now as to what they look like what they like best about each one and what names suit each look, it is sooo cute. There is always a child with the camera....we always have a million puppy photos! Erica is 12 and wants to be a midwife, so she has spent the last little while listening to heartbeats  in utero. With the children 'puppy sitting' I need to go and make up the gingerbread recipe so they can make gingerbread men and gingerbread houses later on! (My 18 year old with write some emails while he 'watches' for me!) We always watch Mummy and babies for the first few hours!

 Plus One
 Equals two!
Plus one more equals 3!

And two more equals 5

One more to go! Mum resting with babies as she waits for the last one! Note how contented and relaxed Mummy is with all the children giving her so much attention!

We can feel one more in there!

Momma in labour

I planned a nice long gap between litters. But my kids accidentally let the girlie out to visit our frisky here we are again with another litter. Mummy is very pleased with herself and is doing so well as we worriedly cluck over her.

Momma is looking up at us, so full of trust. Doesn't she look good for a labouring Mummy!!