Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kurumidza, the 'Daddy to be' Shih Tzu, has arrived!

How gorgeous can you get? Certainly not more gorgeous than this Shih Tzu! We could not be more delighted with this little Shih Tzu man! Thank you Plumjam Kennels for the most beautiful little boy Shih Tzu, I am so happy with him!  Just take a look at his perfect Shih Tzu colouring, the tips of his ears and glasses area are black while the back of his ears are a beautiful gold. He has the much desired Shih Tzu white blaze on the forehead and a white tip on his tail. We love him so much, even if he does wake me up at 
5 AM! He follows us everywhere and is the most delightful puppy I have ever had!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Looking for a Daddy

We are looking for a little boy dog to be a Daddy for future pups, and have come across a pure white litter, 2 females and 2 males. We are seriously considering a choosing a white boy because they are so rare, more for interest rather than for breeding purposes as it seems that Tzu's throw the colours mostly from the females. White would be a recessive gene usually. I would love to hear from anyone how has bred using pure white male Tzu's!

Here is an interesting article on colour!