I can't wait to see what kind of puppies he will throw....he is a gorgeous looking future Daddy dog- ain't he? And he gets on well with the other dogs too and is a real people person, to the point that he shows off and demands attention when he is not getting enough or if another dog gets too much. As Erica feeds the dogs and adores them to bits, I think she can proudly say he loves her back the most too. If she sits in the garden for a second, he springs up onto her lap! When Erica's lap is not available his favourite spot is where we fold washing as the tiles are nice and cool, and it is very hot outside these days! He would sit on your feet as you fold washing if you would let him - lovely boy. I am excited about using him as a stud dog in the future. In the mean while he is just pure fun!
(And I am pleased he has out grown the early mornings!)
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