Do you know the Beatrix Potter story.... The Tale of The Flopsy Bunnies, who all fell asleep in the rubbish heap due to the soporific affects of eating too many lettuces (which had shot into flower and were thrown away because overgrown) The baby rabbits had been scrounging for food with their Dad, Benjamin Bunny because there was not enough food to go around. And once soundly asleep they were discovered by Mr Mac Gregor as he emptied grass onto them and they thought their mother was tucking them into bed in their dreams. a fly settling on one tiny little ear, made the ear twitch and they were discovered; crafty Mac Gregor gently put them into a bag to take home to his wife for dinner; he counted - "One, two three, four, four five, six little rabbits." Mr Mac Gregor left the bag while he put away his machinery and the baby bunnies mother walked right past the bag not knowing her dears were inside. Fortunately Mrs Thomasina Tittle mouse saw what had happened and helped the distraught parents rescue the babies, and replace the gorgeous babies with rotten vegetables. they then gleefully followed Mr Mac Gregor home at a safe distance and took great delight when Mrs Mac Gregor threw rotten vegetable at Mr Mac Gregor.
The Tale of the Tails of the Six Little Puppies! |
Well we often spend time just looking and looking, stroking and kissing our little puppies and we just cannot help ourselves but to count like Mr Mac Gregor in our very best lilting English accents..."one, two, three, four, five, six little puppies." (no not rabbits, we think they are even cuter than rabbits!) And so tonight we just had to take a photo of the tails of the six little Flopsy Puppies: :-) All photographs from left to right....Dogmatix, Boykjie, Checkers, Thunder, Tosh and Dark Chocolate. Yes, in order of their birth - we had great fun getting the puppies to sleep while keeping them in the right order. Mum, (no not me- the dogie Mum, Bokkie) had gone outside (for a run and a toilet break) and so we had to persuade the puppies not to look for Mum. We kept counting "One, two, three, four, five, six 'leeetle' puppies" as we got them in order, stroking their backs and soothing them back to sleep. We only managed to get two photographs of many with their tails all perfectly showing, they love to sleep with them tucked under nice and cosy. Once we had one little pup actually manage to wag her tail at the excitement of arriving and finding place at the competitive Milky Bar. I wonder how many of you can remember going to a Milky Bar in your youth, before the likes of Maccas took over?
Photograph taken from |
And no I am not that old my Milk Bar was called the Purple Cow in Sea Point Cape town South Africa, and it was much, much more modern than that. Sadly I have just googled and it seems not to be there any more. I digress....
Aahhh..... the pups are so sweet, we love them so much!
And what a great way for you to see the differences in sizes, colours and markings too!